Within the last two days, I have watched my youngest grandson swim in his bathtub, I have kept my oldest grandson company in the car on his way home from swim practice, I have watched TV with my granddaughter, and I have seen the new clothes I purchased on line for my middle grandson (he at age six loves anything Under Armor). I was part of their daily lives at least a thousand miles away. I was in their homes at least a thousand miles away.
Thank you, Steve Jobs.
Grandpa and I have had every permeation of video viewing machines from the earliest time they were available on the retail market. One was attached to the TV. They worked poorly if they worked at all. We used Skype, but that is on a stationary computer. When grandchildren became mobile, we could not enjoy using Skype.
The IPad has been carried around the house by the toddler running away from his mother with the IPad which he should not be running with. The IPhone has been carried by the toddler under a blanket so we can hide with him in the pitch black from his big brother. Face Time has allowed us to see our grandchildren’s milestones, hear their voices, watch them play. It has allowed us to be a significant part of our grandchildren’s lives while we all are a significant distance apart.
Tonight, our oldest grandson sang us a song he wrote and told us about a new band he is putting together, Muscles, and we reminded him of the name he had chosen for his previous band, Stubborn. He said his grandfather and I are the only ones to have heard the song or know about the band. We are even able to share our grandchildren’s dreams thanks to Face Time.
Thank you, Steve Jobs.
It is so sad that Steve Jobs can no longer give us Grandmas what we did not know we were missing but is now indispensable to loving life. I cannot imagine what he would have come up with next to give us such