When Gwyneth Paltrow appeared on every talk show about her new venture, GOOP, and it was advertised everywhere, a long while ago, out of pure curiosity, this Grandma signed up for emails. Over the years, I probably have deleted more than I read. I chalked it up to a generational gap and, secondly, that the focus seemed to be turning into clothing sales, more than information that interested me. The clothing is more for my adult daughters than me.
I almost did not open this email post, and I would have missed fabulous information, one of which is the subject of this blog, some of which is the subject of another.
Not only does this GOOP post give us a baby superfood shopping list, it also gives us why the food is a superfood, how to prepare it and include it in other foods (disguise it too), allergy information, and concerns.
Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow includes some expensive baby food processors, and expensive baby food delivery companies. But, do not turn your nose up so fast. There are times in the lives of our two working parents’ families when one or both of the parents of our grandchildren may be swamped at work or someone gets the flu. Giving a gift of baby food delivery for a specific reason for a specific time may be greatly appreciated. It can be a holiday gift. Think about food delivery for adults too, especially when there is a new second baby and both parents are frazzled after you or the baby nurse, or both leave, for a few weeks or a month, or leave their freezer full to cover that same period of time.
In this GOOP post, there are recipes even this Grandma could follow. Grandma making baby food for the organic and picky, but hardworking parents of your grandchildren, may be a win-win when we might have the time to do so.
The post does include some very inexpensive, but wonderful bibs, bowl and spoons, and in keeping with the healthy living theme of GOOP are BPA free. If your grandchild does not yet own these, they will make a great visit present.
Then, yes, sign up to receive emails. Forward Gwyneth Paltrow’s post to your grandma friends who have baby grandchildren or are expecting baby grandchildren. Forward Gwyneth Paltrow’s post to the mothers of your grandchildren. Yes, tell them to sign up. The content seems to addresse women, rather than men. You will show the women how with it and up to date you are, even if the sign up date is today. We can only hope that Gwyneth Paltrow might expand her agenda to market to us Boomer grandmas. Right now it is the younger women who may buy some clothing they find on GOOP, which we grandmas would
not, but for every generation, every once in a while, there is pure gold.